Monday, September 16, 2013

eMM Intuative Assessment

I am conducting an intuitive assessment of the processes L1, L2 and L3 based on my knowledge of, and participation in, a course restricted to the delivery dimension. I have selected an undergraduate course for which I was an extramural student as part of a Certificate in Fitness Studies programme.

I will be using the eMM capability assessment scale of: 

  • Not Adequate (NA); 
  • Partially Adequate (PA); 
  • Largely Adequate (LA); or 
  • Fully Adequate (FA)

L1. Learning objectives are apparent in the design and implementation of courses.

LA: Formally stated learning objectives normally provided in course documentation available prior to enrolment but are missing in some cases or inconsistently provided in the range of course documents.

LA: Most, but not all, assessments and learning activities contain explicit linkages to course learning objectives or restate learning objectives using different wording.

LA: Learning objectives are linked to wider programme or institutional objectives in most but not all courses, or only stated subsequent to course design and development.

PA: Learning objectives dominated by recall with few addressing other outcomes.

LA: Learning objectives and course workload expectations are linked during the design and development of most, but not all courses.

L2. Students are provided with mechanisms for interaction with teaching staff and other students. 

PA: Interaction between staff and students provided only through a limited or informal mechanism or only through face to face contact.

FA: Course documentation contains clear and consistently presented lists of teaching staff email addresses repeated in suitable places.

LA: Technical support is provided to students to assist them in making effective use of the available communication channels, but support is not actively promoted or provided to all students.

L3. Student skill development for e-learning is provided.

FA: The relationships between all key course components and activities are conveyed to students formally and consistently.

LA: Formal opportunities for students to practice with e-learning technologies and pedagogies provided after commencement of courses, or only cover some technologies and pedagogies or some courses.

PA: E-learning skills support and training is provided informally and depends on the teaching staff skills and availability.

NA: No provision for feedback beyond the marks assigned for assessed work.

Value Judgement of my Reliability:
This analysis is based on my subjective memory of a course that I completed several years ago (2002). As this is to be an intuitive activity only, I have not gone back to check details on the above-mentioned criteria. It is based purely on the recollections and memories of my participation as an extramural student. I do not recall having completed an evaluation of the course, and have not had access to any formal course evaluation done by other participants.  I do have some confidence in the validity of many of the assessments, as the course is one that I enjoyed, with the enjoyment and engagement enhancing my memories of many aspects of the programme.

The above assessment is based only on my own memories, recollections and perceptions. There is no evidential basis and it has been compiled as part of formal coursework.  It is not to be used as valid assessment of any real course.

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